If you eat sugar, this blog is for you.

We don't think a lot about sugar. Its free at shops, hotels, and restaurants. Its in almost everything we eat, and it's a luxury. Even if we are poor, we can still buy a sweet sometimes. For us, over a million tonnes of sugar is brought into Canada each year, and that doesn't count corn-based sugars. Who grows this sugar? Do they like their job? We get coffee breaks, get paid 'fairly', and still have a job after recovering from an illness. I want the millions of people who work in sugar production to have these things too, and I can help with that. So I've decided to get a tattoo, give up sugar, and blog about it.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

T-minus 11 Days

Things I Will Miss Eating...

  • Sweet & sour sauce (chicken balls will never be the same)
  • Dim Sum (aka sweet bean paste)
  • Ketchup & Mustard at the greasy spoon (though I'll have my own at home)
  • Mango chutney

Today I think the only thing I ate with sugar in it was mango chutney. I had a samosa for breakfast.
At the tea store where I work, they do a lot of in house baking. This means I'm going to be around a-LOT of cookie dough I can't touch. I was extremely tempted by a small tinfoil-wrapped christmas chocolate on the counter. That moment fascinated me. It was right there, so close. I picked it up and watched it sparkle in the light until I was thankfully distracted by a customer. A year ago I would have picked up that little chocolate and popped it without a moment's hesitation. Sure it's bad, but hey, it's free. Though when it comes to those cheap little waxy chocolates, the sugar content is likely not our first concern.

I'm happy to report there is no added sugar in my favourite eight-vegetable juice blend! Though I know the contents are not organic, and probably pasteurized out the nose, I'm happy to have it around a while longer. My fingers are crossed that there will be an organic doppleganger one day.

I've only been keeping track of my sugar intake for less than a week, and I'm already noticing a difference in my energy levels. Where I would normally have ups and downs, I'm experiencing a sustained average. I should have started this blog sooner, so I would have at least a few posts where I'm whining about how tired I am. Then again, maybe not. XD


  1. I heart aduki bean paste. I plan on growing some of my own beans. Perhaps if you tried to make your own lotus buns, you'd be able to enjoy them again? :)

  2. I bet you could make sweet and sour sauce of your own... I've wanted to do my own veg seitan balls for a while now a la The Delicious Vegetarian in Winnipeg, and always figured I should do homemade sauce while I'm at it.

    I bet you're going to be feeling way better during this process - just the thought is temping me to do some severe sugar cutback of my own.

  3. can you substitute (local) honey, real maple syrup, etc. for sugar? i like honey and real maple syrup in my coffee, but can you also use it for baking and cooking?

  4. ahh! I forgot to mention tree syrup! I made up some rules on the left that I'm going to follow, so I need an addendum. Good point Pat!
