If you eat sugar, this blog is for you.

We don't think a lot about sugar. Its free at shops, hotels, and restaurants. Its in almost everything we eat, and it's a luxury. Even if we are poor, we can still buy a sweet sometimes. For us, over a million tonnes of sugar is brought into Canada each year, and that doesn't count corn-based sugars. Who grows this sugar? Do they like their job? We get coffee breaks, get paid 'fairly', and still have a job after recovering from an illness. I want the millions of people who work in sugar production to have these things too, and I can help with that. So I've decided to get a tattoo, give up sugar, and blog about it.

Monday, December 7, 2009

T-Plus 8 Hours!

Where did the time go?

I really wanted to write a post about how I had a couple binge days where everything I ate had a significant amount of sugar in it. Now that over a week has passed since then, most of the underlying emotions are gone. However, I can write that it happened!

My binge day started when I awoke to find my Grandmother's yearly gift of home made cookies sitting on the bookshelf next to my bed. I knew if I didn't eat them soon, tattoo day would soon be upon me and I wouldn't get to eat them at all. So I promptly had about six to eight of them for breakfast. ..Those oatmeal ones are kind of like a breakfast.. I proceeded to work at the tea store all day surrounded by baking. I ate: a nanaimo bar (almost pure sugar with this one), a fruit and chocolate scone, and a samosa with mango chutney. Needless to say, I went over the top. I'm salivating right now just thinking about the nanaimo bar.

Last night I went shopping for spreads and dip. Can't eat anything mayonnaise based anymore. Almost all my favourite dips contained sugar. I'm happily left with hummous and home made dips. Speaking of, I have TWO TUBS of plain organic yogurt to spoil with whatever flavours my heart desires! Any suggestions?

And in other news, I got the tattoo today. Its official.
May this be the first of a long list. No sweat for fashion, No factory meat, etc..